Neural machine Translation
Statistical Machine Translation
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When translating between languages with different writing systems, then the translation of names poses a special challenge since they have to be transliterated.
Transliteration and its 5 sub-topics are the main subject of 121 publications.
Topics in Transliteration
Transliteration With FSM | Transliteration With Other Methods | Forward Transliteration | Transliteration Training Data | Integrating TransliterationTopics in LinguisticProblems
Unknown Words | Morphology | Generating Rich Morphology | Factored Translation Models | Compounds | Translating Tense Case Markers | Translating Chunks And Clauses | Document Level Aspects | Transliteration | Syntactic Prereordering | POS Chunk Prereordering | Syntactic Reranking | Integrating Syntactic FeaturesA shared task on transliteration took place in association with the Named Entities Workshop (NEWS 2015).
Last modified on April 07, 2019, at 05:47 PM
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