Neural machine Translation
Statistical Machine Translation
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This Wiki covers all publications on all topics in the field of neural and statistical machine translation. As of now, it contains 5603 publications. 4510 are assigned to topics, 5183 link to pdf files, and 1584 are discussed in topic descriptions.
Trending Topics: Research Groups (0%), Inversion Transduction Grammars (0%), Translating Chunks And Clauses (0%), Minimum Bayes Risk (0%), Reranking (0%). Based on proportion of publications since 2023.
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Most citations have links to pdf versions of the publications online, but if one does not, you can help. Follow the link to Google Scholar, or do other searches, and then add the url to the BibTeX entry.
Currently, the text for most topics is quite rough, since it was pieced together sentence by sentence whenever a new paper appeared. A better structure would be introducing the main concepts alongside the key papers before discussing incremental improvements. However, do not remove papers because you deem them not good enough. The goal is to cite all papers and summarize their key contribution. Please read the style guide.
Adding publications involves three steps: adding BibTex entries, assigning them to topics, and describing them in the topic description.
Citations may be added by pasting their BibTeX entries into a text box. Please ensure that the publication is not already included under a different BibTeX label. If the label is the same, then duplicates are automatically detected. If an online source for the pdf file of the paper is known, include it with BibTeX field url
. BibTeX entries may be edited at a later stage.
Assigning publications to topics adds them to the section "New Publications", which is a first step and at least makes readers of the topic description aware of them.
The topic structure may be edited, by adding new topics, re-arranging the hierarchy, but there is currently no support for renaming topics via the Wiki. Some of the larger topics should be broken up.