Moses on Unix systems uses, but doesn't require, the SRILM toolkit.
The project files and source code has been set up to be able to include, or exclude, and number of language model implmentation. So if your license requirement exclude using SRILM, fiddle with the Makefile project in the usual places.
The Visual Studio 2005 build require
1. VLD (Visual Leak Detector) 2. zlib. Moses uses the statically-linked version, which you can compile yourself from if you're too lazy, download the pre-compiled version from
The Windows build doesn't uses SRILM
Moses requires boost. Your distribution probably has a package for it. If your distribution has separate development packages, you need to install those too. For example, Ubuntu requires libboost-all-dev. Windows link
Moses uses glibc, zlib and bzip2. Use your distribution's packages, if available. If your distribution has separate development packages, you need to install those too. For example, Ubuntu requires libz-dev and libbz2-dev.
The training routines need the following executable
GIZA++ mkcls snt2cooc.out
The source for these can be downloaded from
However, these sources haven't been updated for a while and won't compile on recent gcc compilers.
Chris Dyer has made changes to the sources to enable it to compile. These have been tested (by Hieu) on gcc 4.1.1 on Linux and 3.4.4 on Cygwin. Download it here.
If you really can't be asked and you're running 32-bit Linux, download the binaries here
Eric Nicols has created a Debian package which compiles and installs assorted NLP tools, including Moses, on Ubuntu and Debian-based distributions. Get it here
Tiago Tresoldi has also packaged Moses, srilm, giza++ and mkcls.
The Moses decoder can be compiled using XCode. XCode project files are part of the downloadable source code. This has been tested on Mac OSX 10.5