machine translation

The bug has been observed using GCC (>= 4.3) on Ubuntu, and the fix has been suggested here.

The bug lies in file file_spec.h, function Get_File_Spec() of the GIZA++ source code. More specifically in the lines:

 char time_stmp[17];
 sprintf(time_stmp, "%02d-%02d-%02d.%02d%02d%02d.", local->tm_year,
          (local->tm_mon + 1), local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour,
          local->tm_min, local->tm_sec);

To fix this bug, edit the file as follows:

 *** file_spec.h	2009/07/10 21:38:39	1.1
 --- file_spec.h	2009/07/13 11:37:21
 *** 37,49 ****
     struct tm *local;
     time_t t;
     char *user;
 !   char time_stmp[17];
     char *file_spec = 0;

     t = time(NULL);
     local = localtime(&t);

 !   sprintf(time_stmp, "%02d-%02d-%02d.%02d%02d%02d.", local->tm_year, 
   	  (local->tm_mon + 1), local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour, 
   	  local->tm_min, local->tm_sec);
     user = getenv("USER");
 --- 37,49 ----
     struct tm *local;
     time_t t;
     char *user;
 !   char time_stmp[19];
     char *file_spec = 0;

     t = time(NULL);
     local = localtime(&t);

 !   sprintf(time_stmp, "%04d-%02d-%02d.%02d%02d%02d.", 1900 +  local->tm_year, 
   	  (local->tm_mon + 1), local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour, 
   	  local->tm_min, local->tm_sec);
     user = getenv("USER");

and re-compile GIZA++.

Note that you do not need to recompile Moses.

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Page last modified on September 06, 2011, at 08:17 AM