): threshold for threshold pruning
: ?
): location of the configuration file
: Target sentence to produce
): How many hypotheses should be created for each coverage. (default = 0)
): How many hypotheses should be popped for each stack. (default = 1000)
: configurations for each factorized/lexicalized reordering model.
: source factors (0 if table independent of source), target factors, location of the factorized/lexicalized reordering tables
): distortion (reordering) limit in maximum number of words (0 = monotone, -1 = unlimited)
): drop unknown words instead of copying them
-early-discarding-threshold (
-edt@@): threshold for constructing hypotheses based on estimate cost
): specify a different factor delimiter than the default
: location and properties of the generation table
: include word alignment in the n-best list. default is false
: list of factors in the input
): location of the input file to be translated
: text (0), confusion network (1) or word lattice (2)
: print out labels for each weight type in n-best list. default is true
: dictionary upper bounds of language models
: location and properties of the language models
): (1/0) compute LM backoff statistics for each translation hypothesis
: description of decoding steps
: maximum number of partial translation options per input span (during mapping steps)
: maximum phrase length (default 20)
: maximum number of translation options per input span (after applying mapping steps)
: scaling factor to convert log linear score probability in MBR decoding (default 1.0)
: number of translation candidates considered in MBR decoding (default 200)
): use miminum Bayes risk to determine best translation
): do not reorder over punctuation
: factor to compute the maximum number of contenders (=factor*nbest-size). value 0 means infinity, i.e. no threshold. default is 0
: file and size of n-best-list to be generated; specify - as the file in order to write to STDOUT
: list if factors in the output
): Output connected hypotheses of search into specified filename
): Output stack info as word graph. Takes filename, 0=only hypos in stack, 1=stack + nbest hypos
: maximum size of cache for translation options (default 10,000 input phrases)
): if present, allow dropping of source words
: Output word-to-word alignment into the log file. Word-to-word alignments are taken from the phrase table if any. Default is false
: Include word-to-word alignment in the n-best list. Word-to-word alignments are takne from the phrase table if any. Default is false
): (confusion net/word lattice only) - recover input path corresponding to the best translation
: report all factors in output, not just first
): report phrase segmentation in the output
: Which search algorithm to use. 0=normal stack, 1=cube pruning (default = 0)
): maximum stack size for histogram pruning
): minimum number of hypothesis of each coverage in stack (default 0)
: seconds after which is interrupted (-1=no time-out, default is -1)
): for each best translation hypothesis, print out details about what source spans were used, dropped
): threshold for translation options relative to best for input phrase
: location and properties of the translation tables
: Use word-to-word alignment: actually it is only used to output the word-to-word alignment. Word-to-word alignments are taken from the phrase table if any. Default is false.
: cache translation options across sentences (default true)
): verbosity level of the logging
): weight(s) for distortion (reordering components)
): weight for word deletion
): file containing labeled weights
): weight(s) for generation components
): weight for word insertion
): weight(s) for language models
): weights for translation model components
): weight for word penalty
): allows markup of input with desired translations and probabilities. values can be 'pass-through' (default), 'inclusive', 'exclusive', 'ignore'