Accepted Papers

List of Accepted Papers

TrTok: A Fast and Trainable Tokenizer for Natural Languages
Jiří Maršík, Ondřej Bojar

High-Precision Sentence Alignment by Bootstrapping from Wood Standard Annotations
Éva Mújdricza-Maydt, Huiqin Körkel-Qu, Stefan Riezler, Sebastian Padó

Phrasal Rank-Encoding: Exploiting Phrase Redundancy and Translational Relations for Phrase Table Compression slides
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt

Parallel Phrase Scoring for Extra-large Corpora
Mohammed Mediani, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel

pycdec: A Python Interface to cdec
Victor Chahuneau, Noah A. Smith, Chris Dyer

Better Splitting Algorithms for Parallel Corpus Processing
Lane Schwartz

Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Jane 2 slides
Matthias Huck, Jan-Thorsten Peter, Markus Freitag, Stephan Peitz, Hermann Ney

Extending Hiero Decoding in Moses with Cube Growing
Wenduan Xu, Philipp Koehn

Appraise: an Open-Source Toolkit for Manual Evaluation of MT Output slides
Christian Federmann

DELiC4MT: A Tool for Diagnostic MT Evaluation over User-defined Linguistic Phenomena
Antonio Toral, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Federico Gaspari, Declan Groves