AmuNMT is an implementation of the inference algorithm for the attention model for neural machine translation. The attention model is referred tp in the code as "Encoder-Decoder" model due to neural network layers that deal with encoding the input sentence into continuous space representations and decoding layers that produce output words.
From the outside, AmuNMT is a beam search decoder (now using "decoder" as a synonym for "implementation of the inference algorithm for a machine learning model").
The code is in active development, so some of the code snippets referenced below may have changed.
The main function is in common/decoder_main.cpp
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
It maintains a global data structure called God
(implemented in common/god.h
and common/god.cpp
God* god = new God(); god->Init(argc, argv);
... for global variables, for instance config settings
size_t cpuThreads = God::Get<size_t>("cpu-threads");
The main function loops through input data
while(std::getline(God::GetInputStream(), in)) {
It creates a TranslationTask
object for a batch of sentences
TranslationTask(*god, sentences, taskCounter, maxBatchSize);
These tasks are stored in thread pools (there may be multiple threads due to multiple GPUs or multiple CPU cores)
ThreadPool pool(totalThreads);
... that translate different batches of sentences in parallel).
pool->enqueue( [ = ]{ return TranslationTask(*god, sentences, taskCounter, maxBatchSize); } );
In the TranslationTask
(implemented in common/translation_task.cpp
) sentences are decoded
std::shared_ptr<Histories> histories = search->Decode(god, *decodeSentences);
... and their translations printed out
Printer(god, allHistories, strm);
Output is printed via the Printer
function in common/printer.h
void Printer(const History& history, size_t lineNo, OStream& out) { std::string best = Join(God::Postprocess(God::GetTargetVocab()(history.Top().first))); LOG(progress) << "Best translation: " << best;
Note: Join(const std::vector<std::string>& words, const std::string del)
is a function in common/utils.cpp
that connects words with a delimiter, by default space.
In case of just 1-best output, this is simple returns
out << best << std::endl;
The Printer
function also deals with n-best list output and output of alignments.
A sentence is read in the main decoder loop decoder_main.cpp
into a string
std::getline(God::GetInputStream(), in)
The Sentence
object in common/sentence.h
represents a simple sentence of words as Words
object that is a vector of Word
is defined in common/types.h
as a vector of Word
typedef std::vector<Word> Words;
A Word
is an integer token ID (common/types.h
), with special ID for end of sentence and unknown words.
typedef size_t Word; const Word EOS = 0; const Word UNK = 1;
The conversion of word strings into Word
IDs is done with the help of source and target vocabulary Vocab
objects (defined in common/vocab.h
). Internally, these vocabularies use a vector and hash to map between strings and IDs.
std::map<std::string, size_t> str2id_; std::vector<std::string> id2str_;
The relevant lines in common/sentence.cpp
that map (simple unfactored) word strings to their vocabulary ID representation are
Split(tab, lineTokens, " "); auto processed = god.Preprocess(i, lineTokens); words_.push_back(god.GetSourceVocab(0)(processed));
The Sentence
object allows for factored representation, so that each input word may consists of factors such as input word, part-of-speech tag, other linguistic markup, or word classes. Each factor is a Words
object, so that a Sentence
is actually a vector of such Words
objects (common/types.h
std::vector<Words> words_;
Input to AmuNMT is tab-separeted for the different input factors (which is different from the Moses notation of using the bar |
character to separate factors). Hence (common/sentence.cpp
Split(line, tabs, "\t");
To maximize GPU usage, several sentences may be translated simultaneously. This is aided by the object Sentences
defined in common/sentence.h
. It is essentially a vector of pointers to sentences with a shared maximum length.
class Sentences { [...] using SentencePtr = std::shared_ptr<Sentence>; std::vector<SentencePtr> coll_; size_t maxLength_;
One view of decoding is that it builds sequences of words. Each produced word results in a hypothesis, which is connected to previous hypotheses.
A Hypothesis
(defined in common/hypothesis.h
is the produced word, its cost (and cost breakdown), and links to the previous hypothesis
const HypothesisPtr prevHyp_; const size_t prevIndex_; const size_t word_; const float cost_; std::vector<SoftAlignmentPtr> alignments_; std::vector<float> costBreakdown_;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Hypothesis> HypothesisPtr;
A Beam
is a vector of Hypothesis
objects that have been created in the most recent processing step of the decoding loop.
typedef std::vector<HypothesisPtr> Beam;
The search graph is recorded in the History
(defined in common/history.h
) which is the sequence of Beam
objects. It also maintains a priority queue of the best scoring completed sentence translations.
std::vector<Beam> history_; std::priority_queue<HypothesisCoord> topHyps_; bool normalize_; size_t lineNo_;
A helper object is HypothesisCoord
which points to a Hypothesis
in a Beam
struct HypothesisCoord { size_t i; size_t j; float cost; };
The function to produce n-best lists NBestList NBest(size_t n)
shows how these coordinates of Hypothesis
objects in the History
matrix are used.
size_t start = bestHypCoord.i; size_t j = bestHypCoord.j; HypothesisPtr bestHyp = history_[start][j];
The Add
function in the History
object is instructive about how a new Beam
of Hypothesis
objects is processed to update the priority queue of top scoring hypotheses that are complete sentence translations. This is indicated by the production of an end of sentence EOS
token or reaching maximum output length (last
for (size_t j = 0; j < beam.size(); ++j) if(beam[j]->GetWord() == EOS || last) { float cost = normalize_ ? beam[j]->GetCost() / history_.size() : beam[j]->GetCost(); topHyps_.push({ history_.size(), j, cost }); }
Note that the hypothesis costs may be normalized by the length of the partial translation (setting normalize_
). I am not sure why/if that it is a good thing.
I take the liberty to add a mental note to the coverage-normalized scoring of hypothesis proposed by Google (see Section 7 in Wu et al. (2016)) which maybe should be implemented somewhere. Google's normalization of hypothesis scores is used during search, not just applied to final hypotheses, so it would be implemented elsewhere in the code.
is a class that contains a vector of History
objects with some additional support functions (common/history.h
A Result
is a sequence of Words with a pointer to the final hypothesis of the search that produced it (defined in common/hypothesis.h
typedef std::pair<Words, HypothesisPtr> Result;
An NBestList
is a list of Result
typedef std::vector<Result> NBestList;
Sentences to be translated are populated in common/decoder_main.cpp
while (std::getline(god->GetInputStream(), in)) { sentences->push_back(SentencePtr(new Sentence(god, lineNum++, in)));
... and translation tasks are created for a batch of sentences in sequence ...
if (sentences->size() >= maxiBatch) { pool->enqueue( [=]{ return TranslationTask(god, sentences, taskCounter); } );
There are two types of batch size: maxiBatch
here is used for total number of sentences in a TranslationTask
. Within a translation task, these may be broken down to smaller batches of size miniBatch
A TranslationTask
in common/translation_task.cpp
sorts sentences by length
... selects a batch of sentence (up to miniBatch
miniBatch = god.Get<size_t>("mini-batch");
... to be translated together ...
std::shared_ptr<Sentences> decodeSentences(new Sentences(taskCounter, bunchId++)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sentences->size(); ++i) { decodeSentences->push_back(sentences->at(i));
... and then decodes each batch (miniBatch
) of sentences
if (decodeSentences->size() >= miniBatch) { std::shared_ptr<Histories> histories = search->Process(god, *decodeSentences);
The wrapper around the search is Search::Process
in common/search.cpp
that also handles pre-processing and post-processing, as well as encoding of the input sentence and decoding into the output sentence as separate function calls.
We start with initializing a History
objects for each of the sentences, and store them in the aggregate Histories
object ret
. The histories record the search graph (consisting of a graph of Hypothesis
objects) and will be returned as main result of the search. This result can then be mined for 1-best or n-best translations, or other details.
std::shared_ptr<Histories> histories(new Histories(god, sentences));
For each sentence, an initial Hypothesis
is created. This initial Hypothesis
has no cost, no back-pointer to a previous Hypothesis
and the end of sentence marker EOS
as first word.
Beam prevHyps(batchSize, HypothesisPtr(new Hypothesis()));
States of each scorer for the current beam are defined as well.
States states = NewStates(); States nextStates = NewStates();
sets up data structures for the scorer states.
States states(numScorers);
It then loops through the scorers calls each Scorer i
to set up search for each sentence:
for (size_t i = 0; i < numScorers; i++) { Scorer &scorer = *scorers_[i]; states[i].reset(scorer.NewState()); }
The 4 processing steps are:
PreProcess(god, sentences, histories, prevHyps); Encode(sentences, states); Decode(god, sentences, states, nextStates, histories, prevHyps); PostProcess();
initializes the hypotheses in the beam.
I am confused about the following. Each History
gets a vector of initial Hypothesis
objects (one for each sentence). But there is also a History
for each sentence? I strongly assume that - although not a bug - this is a mistake. Each history should only get one hypothesis. But it also does not matter, since beamSizes is set to 1 for each sentence, so the others are ignored.
for (size_t i = 0; i < histories->size(); ++i) { History &history = *histories->at(i).get(); history.Add(prevHyps); }
sets up the scorers for each sentence.
for (size_t i = 0; i < scorers_.size(); i++) { Scorer &scorer = *scorers_[i]; scorer.SetSource(sentences); scorer.BeginSentenceState(*states[i], sentences.size()); }
Afterwards, states
contains begin-of-sentence states, while nextStates
is still just an empty object.
does actually a lot of heavy lifting for the encoder-decoder model: It takes the input sentences, looks up their embeddings, and runs the bidirectional recurrent neural network over them.
The main decoding function is Search::Decode
in common/search.cpp
. This implementation takes a very abstract view about how hypotheses are created and scored. It is aware that there are a bunch of Scorer
objects that produce and assign costs to next states in the search, but how this is done is left to the implementation of each Scorer
object. In fact, a Scorer
may not just be the attentional encoder-decoder model that we care about mainly, but also just neural network language models or even traditional n-gram language models. Even when sticking to the attentional encoder-decoder model, there may be multiple such models in ensemble decoding.
More on the implementation of Scorer
later, let us first walk through the Search::Decode
function. Recall that it may translate multiple sentences at once
void Search::Decode( const God &god, const Sentences& sentences, const States &states, States &nextStates, std::shared_ptr<Histories> &histories, Beam &prevHyps) {
keeps track of how many Hypothesis
objects exist for each sentence. This will be handy to map Hypothesis
in the current list of active hypothesis (see prevHyps
directly below) to sentences. Initially, each sentence has 1 Hypothesis
, so beamSizes
is initialized to a vector of 1s, the size of batchSize
size_t batchSize = sentences.size(); std::vector<size_t> beamSizes(batchSize, 1);
At this point, everything is set up to carry out search. We progress through search by generating one output word at a time. This may go until the sentence length three times the maximum input sentence length is reached, or when no survivors are in the beam (i.e., all active Hypothesis
sequences ended in a end-of--sentence token.
This basic loop is set up as follows, we will look inside of it next.
for (size_t decoderStep = 0; decoderStep < 3 * sentences.GetMaxLength(); ++decoderStep) { [...] if (survivors.size() == 0) { break; } prevHyps.swap(survivors); }
Note that survivors
is a single list of Hypothesis
objects, which may relate to different sentences. The bookkeeping to map each Hypothesis
to a sentence is beamSizes
(hyp to sentence, see above) and beams
(sentence to hyp, see below).
Inside the loop, each scorer is instructed to score its state.
for (size_t i = 0; i < scorers_.size(); i++) { Scorer &scorer = *scorers_[i]; State &state = *states[i]; State &nextState = *nextStates[i]; scorer.Score(god, state, nextState, beamSizes); }
This triggers the main neural network computation to generate a new word. state
(a list of states related to the list of hypotheses) is expanded to nextState
. The vector beamSize
helps with mapping each state to an input sentence.
The number of hypothesis to be generated by the beam search is specified in beamSizes
. This is a user-specified value, applied to each sentence.
if (decoderStep == 0) { for (auto& beamSize : beamSizes) { beamSize = god.Get<size_t>("beam-size"); } }
The following is doing the softmax, finds the best Hypothesis
objects for each sentence and places them into the newly defined list (of lists) beams
Beams beams(batchSize); bestHyps_->CalcBeam(god, prevHyps, scorers_, filterIndices_, returnAlignment, beams, beamSizes);
contains mapping from each sentence to its hypothesis. For each sentence i
, beams[i]
contains a list of its Hypothesis
Looking under the hood a bit here, at the GPU implementation of CalcBeam
in gpu/decoder/best_hyps.h
First, all the scores from the different scorers and the original hypothesis scores are combined.
The state progression call (scorer.Score
, above) produced for each hypothesis a probability distribution over words. We now look that one up:
mblas::Matrix& Probs = static_cast<mblas::Matrix&>(scorers[0]->GetProbs());
To these, we add the original hypothesis scores. First, we pull out these scores into a vector vCosts
, and a copy of that to Costs
HostVector<float> vCosts; for (auto& h : prevHyps) { vCosts.push_back(h->GetCost()); } mblas::copy(vCosts.begin(), vCosts.end(), Costs.begin());
The following function adds this vector of scores (one for each hypothesis) to the matrix of scores (one dimension for the hypothesis, another dimension for the predicted words):
BroadcastVecColumn([0]->GetName()) * _1 + _2, Probs, Costs);
The scores from all the other scorers are also added to the combined Probs
for (size_t i = 1; i < scorers.size(); ++i) { mblas::Matrix &currProbs = static_cast<mblas::Matrix&>(scorers[i]->GetProbs()); Element(_1 +[i]->GetName()) * _2, Probs, currProbs); }
This now sets up the optimization problem of finding to top n word predictions for each hypothesis. This is ultimately done with a call a custom nthElement implementation (called from the sub function FindBest
). This returns a
const bool isFirst = (vCosts[0] == 0.0f) ? true : false; std::vector<float> bestCosts; std::vector<unsigned> bestKeys; FindBests(beamSizes, Probs, bestCosts, bestKeys, isFirst);
The n-best of best hypothesis is organized as specified by the beamSizes
data structure.
contains keys that encode the pair (hypothesis, predicted word).
size_t wordIndex = bestKeys[i] % Probs.Cols(); size_t hypIndex = bestKeys[i] / Probs.Cols();
These two values are then used to create a new Hypothesis
object and add it to the new list of active hypotheses.
HypothesisPtr hyp; hyp.reset(new Hypothesis(prevHyps[hypIndex], wordIndex, hypIndex, cost)); beams[batchMap[i]].push_back(hyp);
Note that batchMap
is the reverse lookup table for beamSizes
, constructed in this function for the use above.
We now record the state of the search in the History
objects for each sentence. For each sentence, a new beam (i.e., list of Hypothesis
objects) is added.
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchSize; ++i) { if (!beams[i].empty()) { histories->at(i)->Add(beams[i], histories->at(i)->size() == 3 *>GetWords().size()); } }
This is generally straightforward. There are two special cases to deal with: (a) the beam may be empty, so nothing gets added to the History
(hence the if
statement), and (b) the maximum output length is reached, so History
will be informed that this is the last Hypothesis
no matter what (hence the conditional for the Add
The following loops through each sentences (batchID
) and adds their Hypothesis
objects h
to the global survivor
list. However, some new Hypothesis
may have reached the end of sentence token EOS
, so it will not be added to the list and the beamSizes
of the corresponding sentence needs to be reduced.
Beam survivors; for (size_t batchID = 0; batchID < batchSize; ++batchID) { for (auto& h : beams[batchID]) { if (h->GetWord() != EOS) { survivors.push_back(h); } else { --beamSizes[batchID]; } } }
We are almost set up for the next iteration of the loop. What we still have to do is ... something ... it has to copy nextStates[i]
to states[i]
, and be aware of which Hypothesis
objects are still around (survivors
) ...
for (size_t i = 0; i < scorers_.size(); i++) { scorers_[i]->AssembleBeamState(*nextStates[i], survivors, *states[i]); }
typedef std::vector<StatePtr> States;
is a virtual class. We mainly care about
EncoderDecoder::EncoderDecoder(const std::string& name, const YAML::Node& config, size_t tab, const Weights& model)
Encoder::GetContext(const Sentences& source, size_t tab, mblas::Matrix& Context, DeviceVector<int>& dMapping)
runs the encoder over the input sentence and hence computes the input representation. In the GPU code. Theoretically, this is a three-dimensional object (multiple sentences * multiple words per sentence * dimensions of the embedding), but it is actually implemented as a two-dimension object, i.e.,. a matrix by concattenating all the sentences together.
EncoderDecoder::Score / gpu/decoder/
MakeStep / gpu/dl4mt/decoder.h