Here are some general guidelines for presenting in reading group that can be useful when you are presenting for the first time. Feel free to ask for help if you need it.
You can sign up for a presentation slot at the start of each semester. Once you sign up it is your responsibility to present or find someone to replace you. If you need to change weeks, it is best to do this well in advance.
You should send the topic of your talk to the mailing list ( well in advance, by the end of the day 2 (business) days in advance to give people time to read it. You should also add the paper to the wiki here: Please ask if you do not know the password.
You can present a paper that we will all read, talk about your recent research, or give a practice talk. If you are looking for a paper to present, you can find a list of papers here: Please add to this list if you come across a paper you think the group will find interesting!
If the paper you are presenting has been published at a conference/workshop/journal please post the link to the official version (not the arXiv preprint, as that may not have been updated).