Efficient Decoding with Labelled Grammars in Moses
Participant: Philip Williams
Initial ideas:
1. An alternative, compact and fast-loading file format for in-memory rule tables
- List distinct source / target phrases and word alignments once only
- Heading information about numbers of source / target non-terminals, distinct phrases...
- Moses should continue to support old format, so need tool to convert between formats
2. Sharing of common target phrase objects to save memory
- Though could involve substantial refactoring...
3. A variant of the current SCFG rule lookup algorithm that uses unlabelled dotted rules
- Change prefix tree representation of rule table: edges are terminals and 'gaps' (not label pairs), vertices map lists of non-terminals to translation options
- Dotted rules use gaps instead of specific non-terminals
- Labels checked on successful rule completion
- Already have prototype implementation (target syntax only) but needs integration and extension to support source syntax