p. 25: Links to SAMT and METEOR (footnotes 12 and 14) are missing a tilde.
p. 71: Text before Equation 3.17 should read variance ... is computed as the *arithmetic* mean of the *squared* difference between ... instead of variance ... is computed as the geometric mean of the difference between ...
p. 71: Final number in Equation 3.18 should read 2.04 instead of 2.4.
p. 72: Part of paragraph 2 should read one-in-a-million chance instead of one-in-a-million change.
p. 73: In caption to Figure 3.4, entropy should be H(X) instead of E(X).
p. 75: In caption to Figure 3.5, joint entropy should be H(X,Y) and conditional entropy should be H(Y|X). The figure itself is correct.
p. 87: The result of the computation in Equation 4.8 should be
instead of
p. 90: Text before Equation 4.13 should read the same simplifications as in Equation (4.10). The book makes an erroneous reference to Equation 4.11.
p. 91: The two end for on line 12 and 13 should be one indentation to the right.
p. 91: Left hand side of equation 4.14 should be
instead of
p. 93: The first sum should be a product.
p. 93: The result of the computation of Equation 4.20 should be
instead of
p. 93: The text should clarify that in Equation 4.21 perplexity is computed over the whole corpus, and not the average per sentence.
p. 98: Equation 4.26 should be
p. 98: Equation 4.27 should be
p. 99: Lines 21 and 24 of Figure 4.7 should read le and lf instead of le and lf.
p. 99: In line 10 of Figure 4.7 should read length(e) instead of length(e).
p. 99: Equation 4.28 should be
p. 103: The conditional fertility distribution should be
instead of
This occurs in Equation 4.32 and 4.33 and in the mention inbetween.
p. 103: Equation 4.33 should be
p. 106: Line 13 of the algorithm should make reference to the term , not the term
p. 107: Line 3 of function neighboring should start with for instead of for for.
p. 108: In Figure 4.9, the words go and not should be swapped. The alignment links of these words are correct.
p. 108: Text should read each input word fi instead of each input word fj.
p. 109: Two lines before item (c) should read backward movement instead of forward movement.
p. 109: Equation 4.39 should be
instead of
p. 110: Equation 4.40 should be
instead of
p. 112: Figure 4.10 has the same alignment error as Figure 4.9.
p. 112: In Figure 4.10, the &phii,k should start with index 0 instead of index 1.
p. 115: Equation 4.42 should be
instead of
p. 133: Line 4 of function extract in Figure 5.5. should be also include the condition fstart <= f <= fend .
p. 135: The sentence There are 45 distinct contiguous English phrases and 55 distinct contiguous German phrases should replace There are 36 distinct contiguous English phrases and 45 distinct contiguous German phrases.
p. 138: The second paragraph of Section 5.3.2 should be rewritten as:
p. 140: Caption to Figure 5.7 should not mention pw.
p. 148: The second line of the third paragraph should read phrase
instead of word.
p. 170: In Figure 6.9, line 7 of the pseudo-code should read in part cost(start, i+1) instead of cost(start, i).
p. 171: Some of the cells do not have the correct values, the table should read:
p. 195: Equation 7.26 should have still the summation in the second and third line.
p. 197: Equation 7.29 should be
p. 200: Equation 7.38 should be
p. 201: Equation 7.39 should start with p(wn|...) instead of p(w1n|...).
p. 198: Equation 7.32 has a superfluous closing parenthesis in the α function.
p. 206: Equation 7.48 should start pLM(wn|w1...) instead of pLM(wn|w0...).
p. 207: The first sentence should read c(...) = 0 instead of c(...) > 0.
p. 207: Equation 7.49 should have a multiplication between the backoff distribution and the p3 distribution instead of a summation. The summation within the exponential is correct.
p. 208: Equation 7.50 should have a multiplication between the backoff distributions and the p2 distribution instead of a summation.
p. 224: The last paragraph before Section 8.2.2 should read word-order insensitive instead of word-order sensitive.
p. 224: The figures in the table for the System B are all wrong; the correct ones are: precision 100%, recall 86%, f-measure 92%.
p. 226: The definition of the brevity penalty in Equation 8.8 is wrong, it should be
p. 226: The text before Equation 8.9 should read ... are typically set to
p. 226: Equation 8.9 should have an exponent around the product:
p. 227: The third paragraph should read the English word "the" instead of the English world "the".
p. 238: TER is also known as translation edit rate and HTER is also known as human-targeted translation edit rate.
p. 241: See comment above.
p. 270: Equation 9.27 should contain &lambdaj instead of &lambdai. The same mistake also occurs in the paragraph above the equation.
p. 271: The caption for Figure 9.12 should read the line between the worst point instead of the line between the best point.
p. 271: The last bulleted item should start If R is worse than worst, then instead of If R is worse that worst, then.
p. 280: The sixth paragraph should read agree on how instead of agree. On how.
p. 299: The Turkish example sentence should be Sonuçlara dayanılarak bir ortaklık oluşturulacaktır instead of Sonuçlarına dayanılarak bir ortaklışı oluşturulacaktır. The morphological analysis is sonuç +lar +a daya +hnhl +arak bir ortaklık oluş +dhr +hl +acak +dhr.
p. 306: In Figure 10.8 the German word aushändigen is misspelled as aushandigen.
p. 309: The first rule PPER VAFIN -> PPER VAFIN does not reorder.
p. 335: The second and third tree structures should contain PPER instead of PRO.
p. 339: Equation 11.2 should be
p. 340: Figure 11.4 should have the label PPER instead of PRO as the tag for Ihnen in the second extracted rule.
p. 341: The first example should have the label PPER instead of PRO as the tag for Ihnen.
p. 342: The last tree should contain RP instead of RB.
p. 343: The sixth paragraph should refer to Equation 11.3 instead of Equation 11.2.
p. 344: The second rule should contain VVINF instead of VAFIN.
p. 347: The last grammar rule in Figure 11.5 should contain VBZ - wants instead of NN - wants.
p. 348: The second tree structure contain VBZ - wants instead of NN - wants.
p. 349: The second paragraph we have to instead of we have to have to.
p. 354: The first line should read DET and NN instead of DET and NP.
p. 355: The rule in the last line should be DET NN • instead of DET NN NN •.
p. 356: The two bottom right chart boxes of the top chart should contain the non-terminal NNP instead of the rule NNP -> NNP.
p. 356: The bottom chart of Figure 11.11 should contain NP: architect Frank Gehry instead of NN: architect Frank Gehry.
p. 356: The rule in the first line should be DET NN • instead of DET DET NN NN •.
Chapter 6
p. 162: In Figure 6.4, the hypothesis box for it should have the first word marked off as covered, instead of the second word.first
wordfuture cost estimate for n words (from first) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 the -1.0 -3.0 -4.5 -6.9 -8.3 -9.3 -9.6 -10.6 -10.6 tourism -2.0 -3.5 -5.9 -7.3 -8.3 -8.6 -9.6 -9.6 initiative -1.5 -3.9 -5.3 -6.3 -6.6 -7.6 -7.6 addresses -2.4 -3.8 -4.8 -5.1 -6.1 -6.1 this -1.4 -2.4 -2.7 -3.7 -3.7 for -1.0 -1.3 -2.3 -2.3 the -1.0 -2.2 -2.3 first -1.9 -2.4 time -1.6 Chapter 7
p. 183: The third paragraph should read actual number instead of actually number. instead of
instead of
Chapter 8
p. 219: The citation should read Koehn and Monz [2006] instead of Koehn and Monz [2005]. instead of
, which simplifies ... instead of ... are typically set to 1, which simplifies ...
Chapter 9
p. 269: In Figure 9.11, lines 4-20 should be indented 2 more spaces and line 21 indented one more space. Line 19 should line up with line 16.Chapter 10
p. 294: In the first transducer in Figure 10.3, the probabilities 0.7 and 1.0 should be swapped on the path to circus. In the last paragraph of the figure, the probability for circa should be 0.063 instead of 0.027 and the probability for circus should be 0.00294 instead of 0.00126.Chapter 11
p. 335: The second rule should be PPER/PP -> Ihnen | to you instead of PRO/PP -> Ihnen | to you. instead of