mixture Member List

This is the complete list of members for mixture, including all inherited members.

adapt(char *ngtfile, int alev=1, double gis_step=0.4)mdiadaptlm
interplm::adapt(char *, double)interplm [inline, virtual]
augment(ngramtable *ngt)ngramtable
backoffcachemdiadaptlm [protected]
backunig(ngram ng)mdiadaptlm
bo_state(int value=-1)ngramtable [inline]
bodiscount(ngram ng, int size, double &fstar, double &lambda, double &bo)mdiadaptlm
boff(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
boff(node nd, double value)ngramtable [inline]
boprob(ngram, int)interplm [inline, virtual]
btotfreq(long long v=-1)ngramtable [inline]
cachemdiadaptlm [protected]
check_cache_levels(int level)mdiadaptlm
codecmp(char *a, char *b)ngramtable [inline]
codediff(node a, node b)ngramtable [inline]
comptbsize(int n)ngramtable
compute_backoff()mdiadaptlm [inline]
create_caches(int mcl)mdiadaptlm
delete_caches(int level)mdiadaptlm
discount(ngram ng, int size, double &fstar, double &lambda, int cv=0)mixture [virtual]
dub()mixture [inline, virtual]
dub(int value)mixture [inline, virtual]
entries(int lev)ngramtable [inline]
foreunig(ngram ng)mdiadaptlm
freetree()ngramtable [inline]
freetree(node nd)ngramtable
freq(node nd, NODETYPE ndt, long long value)ngramtable [inline]
freq(node nd, NODETYPE ndt)ngramtable [inline]
generate(char *filename, dictionary *extdict=NULL)ngramtable
generate_dstco(char *filename, int dstco)ngramtable
generate_hmask(char *filename, char *hmask, int inplen=0)ngramtable
get(ngram &ng, int n, int lev)mixture [virtual]
mdiadaptlm::get(ngram &ng)ngramtable [inline]
get_backoffcache(int level)mdiadaptlm [inline]
get_probcache(int level)mdiadaptlm [inline]
get_zetacache()mdiadaptlm [inline]
getfreq(node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int index=0)ngramtable [inline]
getmem(char *ptr, int *value, int offs, int size)ngramtable [inline]
getmem(char *ptr, long long *value, int offs, int size)ngramtable [inline]
grow(table *tb, NODETYPE ndt, int lev, int n, int sz, NODETYPE oldndt=0)ngramtable
init_caches(int level)mdiadaptlm
interplm(char *ngtfile, int depth=0, TABLETYPE tt=FULL)interplm
is_train_cache_enabled()mdiadaptlm [inline]
lmsize()interplm [inline]
lmstat(int level)interplm [inline]
loadbin(const char *filename)ngramtable
loadbin(mfstream &inp)ngramtable
loadbin(mfstream &inp, node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int lev)ngramtable
loadbinold(char *filename)ngramtable
loadbinold(mfstream &inp, node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int lev)ngramtable
loadpar(char *opf)mixture
loadtxt(char *filename, int googletable=0)ngramtable
max_caching_levelmdiadaptlm [protected]
maxlevel()ngramtable [inline]
mdiadaptlm(char *ngtfile, int depth=0, TABLETYPE tt=FULL)mdiadaptlm
mixture(bool fulltable, char *sublminfo, int depth, int prunefreq=0, char *ipfile=NULL, char *opfile=NULL)mixture
msucc(node nd, int value)ngramtable [inline]
msucc(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
mtable(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
mtable(node nd, table value)ngramtable [inline]
mtablesz(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
mtflags(node nd, unsigned char value)ngramtable [inline]
mtflags(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
mybsearch(char *ar, int n, int size, unsigned char *key, int *idx)ngramtable
myround(double x)mdiadaptlm [inline]
netsize()mdiadaptlm [virtual]
ng2tbcpy(char *tablep, int *wordp, int n=1)ngramtable [inline]
ngramtable(char *filename, int maxl, char *is, dictionary *extdict, char *filterdictfile, int googletable=0, int dstco=0, char *hmask=NULL, int inplen=0, TABLETYPE tt=FULL, int codesize=DEFCODESIZE)ngramtable
ngtbcmp(int *wordp, char *tablep, int n=1)ngramtable [inline]
ngtype(char *str=NULL)ngramtable [inline]
obswrd()interplm [inline]
prob(ngram ng, int size)mdiadaptlm [virtual]
prob(ngram ng, int size, double &fstar, double &lambda, double &bo)mdiadaptlm
ngramtable::prob(ngram ng)ngramtable
prob2(ngram ng, int size, double &fstar)mdiadaptlm
probcachemdiadaptlm [protected]
prunesingletons(int flag=-1)interplm [inline]
prunetopsingletons(int flag=-1)interplm [inline]
put(ngram &ng)ngramtable
put(ngram &ng, node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int lev)ngramtable
putmem(char *ptr, int value, int offs, int size)ngramtable [inline]
putmem(char *ptr, long long value, int offs, int size)ngramtable [inline]
reset_caches(int level)mdiadaptlm
resetngramtable()ngramtable [inline]
save_per_level(bool value)mdiadaptlm [inline]
save_per_level()mdiadaptlm [inline]
saveARPA(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL)mdiadaptlm [inline]
saveARPA_per_level(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL)mdiadaptlm [protected]
saveARPA_per_word(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL)mdiadaptlm [protected]
saveASR(char *filename, int backoff, char *subdictfile=NULL)mdiadaptlm
saveBIN(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL, int mmap=0)mdiadaptlm [inline]
savebin(char *, int)interplm [inline, virtual]
ngramtable::savebin(mfstream &out)ngramtable
ngramtable::savebin(mfstream &out, node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int lev, int mlev)ngramtable
saveBIN_per_level(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL, int mmap=0)mdiadaptlm [protected]
saveBIN_per_word(char *filename, int backoff=0, char *subdictfile=NULL, int mmap=0)mdiadaptlm [protected]
saveMT(char *filename, int backoff, char *subdictfile=NULL, int resolution=10000000, double decay=0.999900)mdiadaptlm
savepar(char *opf)mixture
savescalefactor(char *filename)mdiadaptlm
savetxt(char *filename, int sz=0, int googleformat=0)ngramtable
scalefact(char *ngtfile)mdiadaptlm
scalefact(ngram ng)mdiadaptlm
scan(ngram &ng, ACTION action=CONT, int maxlev=-1)ngramtable [inline]
scan(node nd, NODETYPE ndt, int lev, ngram &ng, ACTION action=CONT, int maxl=-1)ngramtable
search(table *tb, NODETYPE ndt, int lev, int n, int sz, int *w, ACTION action, char **found=(char **) NULL)ngramtable
setepsilon(double v=1.0)interplm [inline]
setfreq(node nd, NODETYPE ndt, long long value, int index=0)ngramtable [inline]
settying(int a, int b)mixture [inline]
setusmooth(int v=0)interplm [inline]
stat(int level=4)ngramtable
succ1(node nd, int value)ngramtable [inline]
succ1(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
succ2(node nd, int value)ngramtable [inline]
succ2(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
succscan(ngram &h, ngram &ng, ACTION action, int lev)ngramtable [inline]
tb2ngcpy(int *wordp, char *tablep, int n=1)ngramtable [inline]
test(char *filename, int sz, int backoff=0, int checkpr=0, char *outpr=NULL)interplm
test_ngt(ngramtable &ngt, int sz=0, int backoff=0, int checkpr=0)interplm
test_txt(char *filename, int sz=0, int backoff=0, int checkpr=0, char *outpr=NULL)interplm
totfreq(long long v=-1)ngramtable [inline]
train()mixture [virtual]
txclprob(ngram ng, int size)mdiadaptlm
unigr(ngram ng)interplm
update(ngram ng)ngramtable [inline]
word(node nd, int value)ngramtable [inline]
word(node nd)ngramtable [inline]
zerofreq(int lev)interplm
zeta(ngram ng, int size)mdiadaptlm
~interplm()interplm [inline, virtual]
~mixture()mixture [inline]
~ngramtable()ngramtable [virtual]

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